6 Tips for Wedding Dress Shopping Success

Determine Your Dress Budget: The typical amount to budget for attire is between 8-10%. Keep in mind that "attire" includes the grooms tux, the dress, alterations, veil, and undergarments. Small budget wedding? Don't fret, no matter what your budget, there are gorgeous dresses for every budget out there.

Planning Your Shopping Day: A typical salon appointment is one and a half hours and I suggest booking no more than two or three in a day. Otherwise, you will overwhelm yourself and you won’t remember what you tried on. If possible, try to make an appointment during the week. Saturday is the most popular day for gaggles of ladies to cram into a shop. If possible, make an appointment during the week, or first thing in the morning on the weekend. When the store is less busy, you will have the consultant's undivided attention.

Building Your Dress Entourage: It may be tempting to bring the whole bridal party, but for the wedding dress, it is best to invite no more than three people to go with you. When a bride comes in with an entourage, and everyone has an opinion, it’s difficult for her to express herself. Invite three people who know you well, and keep the same people for each time you shop. Having an entourage that has seen all the options will be able to help you narrow down your pick.

Make the shopping day an event: Consider making the dress shopping trips an event that your entourage looks forward to as much as you. Print off some fun signs for them to hold up to judge the dresses (Say Yes to your dress signs) Take a break between shops or at the end and treat your entourage to lunch or dinner. This is a nice gesture to thank them for taking time out of their day and gives you time away from the shop to go over your choices. After all, all choices are easier with a glass of wine. :-)

Research Your Style: Look at magazines and designer and bridal shop websites to get an idea of what you’re drawn to in terms of style, shape, attitude, and bring those photos to the first appointment. The overall feel—romantic, sexy, or boho. This will allow the consultant to pull a range of dresses that might work. KEEP AN OPEN MIND! The dress you loved on the model may not be the best for your body type. Another thing that sometimes happens is a bride says she doesn’t like princess gowns but falls in love with one when she puts it on. Allow your entourage and the consultant to suggest some dresses you might not have originally considered, you might be surprised.

Organize Your Options: Don't assume you will be able to remember your favorite choices. Be smart and organize your top selections. Print off our handy Dress Choice Organizer and use it to get the details of the dresses you liked. Just remember, at the end of the day, planning a wedding is supposed to be fun! With a little pre-planning and the right entourage storage, your dress shopping experience can be one of the most enjoyable of the whole planning process.


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